Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Knowing The Answers

Some questions are easy to answer.  What is your favorite color?  When is your birthday?  Do you care about the people you love?  Would you do anything you could to help them?  Now here is a harder question.  Have you helped out your loved ones by planning for final arrangements and final expenses?

Most people would rather avoid thinking about their end.  Because of that, many of us haven’t addressed the issues of final arrangements and final expenses.  If you contact us, we can offer you a booklet that will help with planning for final arrangements.  We can also talk with you about want can be done to plan for final expenses.

Some people have set aside savings to cover final expenses.  That is one way of handling it.  There are other options that have some benefits you may not have considered.  Life insurance can provide for final expenses without a tax burden attached.  Whole life insurance premiums will never increase.  The value of the benefit may be much greater than the value of the premiums.  The benefit may be used for funeral expenses, hospital bills and other debts to avoid undue cost and sacrifice to your loved ones.

Planning ahead can offer you the comfort of knowing that you have taken care of your final arrangements and final expenses so those you care about won’t have to.  Final expense life insurance can help minimize the emotional and financial weight of a loss.  It can also help in funding your final wishes.  Contact us to learn more about final expense life insurance.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Too Much Fun?

Humans in Spring are an enthusiastic group.  We approach seasonal activities with vigor.  We talk about “hitting the links” when we plan to golf or “tackling yard work” when we weed or mow.  We pursue outdoor activities with all the giddy abandon of a 2 year old picking his or her first dandelion.
For many of us, all this bending, pushing and swinging follows a winter of virtual inactivity.  It’s no wonder that there are a few strains and sprains along the way.  If an injury is significant enough, it may even keep you away from work.  In fact, statistics show that an average worker has nearly a 40% chance of suffering a disabling injury or illness some time during their income earning years.  Long term disabilities of 90 days or more may also be the result of a serious accident or illness.

If you are taken away from work by a disabling injury or illness, what happens to your income?  Take a moment and think about the expenses and bills that need to be covered in an average month.  Now take that cost times 3 months or 6 months.  The dollars really start to add up.  If you are like most people, that money probably isn’t sitting in the bank.  Even if it is, most people don’t want to take a big bite out of their savings, if they can prevent it.

So what is the answer?  You may have heard of Income replacement insurance also known as disability insurance.  Disability insurance can be set up in a variety of ways, including short term or as long as to age 65 and it may replace up to 66% of your income.  The premium is based on occupation, benefit amount and length.  For farmers, the premium can be calculated based on farm or herd size.  We work with both group and individual disability policies.  Some very high risk occupations aren’t covered.

Being kept away from work by a disabling illness or injury is a very real concern for the average working person.  Thinking about the months of expenses and bills piling up would give most people something to ponder.  Taking one small step could save a great deal of fretting.  Contact us to learn more about disability insurance.  It may be the most worthwhile call you’ll make all day.