Saturday, September 24, 2011

Search Engine & Social Media Marketing for Publications

If an author or publisher were looking for an expert in Search Engine & Social Media Marketing for Publications, Kai Blum would be at the top of their list.  With over 10 years experience in search marketing and management, his clients have included some highly recognizable corporate names.  He also has over 5 years experience in search and social based book marketing.  He is a published author of 3 successful books as well.

All of his expertise was apparent in his thorough step by step presentation to LA2M on September 14th.  He pointed out that online marketing and publishing levels the playing field for new and niche authors in competition with large scale publishers.  

Blum encouraged authors to treat their book project as a business.  According to Blum, authors need to know if there is a demand for their prospective topic, who will want to read the book, if the book will be part of a series and what their marketing budget and strategies will be.

He recommended using the keyword tool in Google AdWords to research interest in the planned book topic.  Blum also suggested looking on Amazon for existing books on that topic.  To improve search position, it’s also important to include keywords in book titles and subtitles.

Blum believes that book marketing is the job of the author and not the publisher.  Publishers tend to focus on their latest publication.  To keep interest going, authors need to take and active hand in promoting their book.  Blum recommends authors begin marketing for their book about a year before publication. 

Some successful strategies he suggested are blogging or creating website content on the book topic, participating in message boards on the topic, creating a Facebook page about the author which deals with the topic.  Blum noted that these should be ways to promote the author’s expertise and not the book.  He explained that people can be turned off by blatant advertising in social media.  

He suggested following and commenting on Facebook pages and blogs on the same topic to build an online relationship.  He also recommended reading reviews of similar books and contacting reviewers directly to offer free copies of the new book for review.  

The same can be done with message board contacts, Facebook fans, blog followers and fellow bloggers.  The cost to the authors is a few books and a time commitment.  An option for paid marketing he suggested was bidding on keyword phrases with Google AdWords.

Blum’s presentation was interesting and comprehensive.  If you missed it and would like to learn more about the wealth of information provided, check out the LA2M Events archive to view the video.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Gossip Marketing

Gossip and marketing don’t seem to be two words that an average business person would put together.  Six time Emmy winner, Shawne Duperon, dispelled that line of thinking with her thought provoking, fun and highly interactive presentation to LA2M on September 7th.  Based on research, Ms. Duperon explained that only a small portion of gossip in malicious, the rest is free marketing. 

According to Ms. Duperon, business people need to first understand the “message they are giving off” and how people are talking about them to improve and amplify that message.  The more customers appreciate a business person they work with, the more they talk about them.  

Business people need to have a good handle on their strengths and what sets them apart to create their own “celebrity status” and word of mouth.  When communicating with customers it’s important to use high energy words that lend momentum to the gossip. 

The better customers understand the value of the business person and that the business person values the customer, the better the relationship will be.  Ms. Duperon explained this by saying that business relationships are a balance of love and fear.  In her illustration love includes excitement, joy, passion, compassion and kindness.  Fear is everything else.  

She said, “Increase knowledge, lower fear”.  She compared fear to walking through a fart at a shopping mall, “uncomfortable, but you get through it”. 

The second part of the presentation was like quirky networking on steroids.  At Ms. Duperon’s direction, LA2Mers in attendance circulated, presented their own bragging points and listened to others tell theirs.  That was followed by the listeners then relaying the bragging points to others in glowing terms.  The process involved moving around the room multiple times and engaging several people in the exchange of compliments.  

The intent of the exercise was to help participants break down fear barriers and to understand the process of the “cycle of reciprocity” where as each person learned the positive points of the other participants, those were then communicated back and on to others. 

The process was interspersed with Ms. Duperon directing participants to say to each other things like “I like your charisma”, “Give it to me baby” and “I like bossy women”.  If this is hard to imagine, well you just had to be there.  It was a first rate presentation that communicated a clear message on many levels.  It was described by one LA2mer as a “MUST-ATTEND” and it certainly was.

Thursday, September 8, 2011


If Health = Well Being
and Insurance = Financial Protection
then Health Insurance = Well Being + Financial Protection

It all seems so simple, but when it comes to choosing a health insurance plan for you and your family, it can get very complicated.

Here’s another equation for you Economic Downturn = Fewer Employees With Company Supplied Health Plans.  If you are among the many that have lost company supplied health insurance, you probably have a lot questions about coverage for you and your family. 

Let’s look at some basic variables in any health insurance plan.  There are four things that create expense for the insured.  Co-pay + Deductible + Co-Insurance + Premium = Annual Out of Pocket Health Insurance Cost. 

Most health insurance plans include a co-pay, which is the share you pay per designated service.  The deductible is your out of pocket expense for health care services over and above your co-pay up to a specified dollar amount.  So for example, a plan may have a $30 co-pay for a doctor’s office visit, but until your $1,500 deductible is met, you will pay the full cost for any lab work or other services that don’t specifically have a designated co-pay.  Most insurance plans have a maximum designated out of pocket over and above your co-pay and deductible.  This is your co-insurance. 

Generally speaking Higher Deductible + Higher Co-Pay + Higher Co-Insurance = Lower Premium.  The more expense you are willing to cover for your health care, the less the insurance company will likely charge for the premium.  Your premium may also be effected by your over all health status.

If you are considering a high deductible plan, you may want to look at a plan that works with a Health Savings Account.  You deposit HSA money into your designated account before taxes and it can only be used for approved health care costs.  The advantages are that you aren’t liable for taxes on the money you save in your HSA account in a given tax year, you have back up funds for medical expenses and generally speaking your premium will be less.  The money can be held over from year to year.

If you are starting a new health insurance plan, you will need to learn the waiting period for treating preexisting conditions.  Most plans won’t pay for treatment of a preexisting condition for up to one year.  The preexisting waiting period may be waived under certain circumstances if you are transitioning from a group plan.  It’s also important to read your plan exclusions.  If you or a family member has a preexisting condition, you will need to know if the insurance plan will pay for treatment of that condition at any time.  Some conditions are excluded from treatment. 

The initial implementation of the Affordable Care Act has meant that children up to age 26 can be covered under their parent’s health insurance plan and that there is no charge for doctor visits for preventive health care.  More changes are on the way. 

There are several health insurance companies that offer individual and family policies.  Each one has its own characteristics.  With so many things to consider please allow us to assist you in selecting an appropriate plan for you and your family.  
Call 517-423-3400                 

What's In a Name?

We've all heard of a few name changes that make you wonder what they were thinking. Puff Daddy to P'Diddy to who knows what. The logic just doesn't seem clear. We like to think of our name shift as more memorable and descriptive. Here are some examples of famous name transitions that accomplished similar goals.

Back in 1893 a pharmacist named Caleb Bradham invented the original soft drink formula for a product that would become a world wide house hold name. He named it "Brad's Drink" in 1898, but soon it was renamed "Pepsi Cola". It's catchy and tells you exactly what to expect when you crack open an icy cold bottle. Good move Caleb.

Another well known name alteration is that of William Frederick Cody to Buffalo Bill. William Frederick Cody is a distinguished name suitable for a frontier attorney, mayor or newspaper publisher. But Buffalo Bill was none of these. Born in Iowa Territory in 1846, he became a US Army scout, bison hunter and international showman. William Frederick Cody just doesn't have the same ring or stir the imagination the way the name Buffalo Bill does. It's a name people remembered and they knew what it meant to see Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show.

Well, we're not going to quench your thirst or entertain you with an amazing show.  What we have to offer is what our name says.  We are local to Tecumseh and Michigan. We are an agency with ties to many types and brands of insurance. We will help you with all your life, health, disability, annuity and long term care insurance needs. Our financial planning services will still be handled under the name Boulevard Financial.  Our insurance services will be offered through Boulevard Insurance Agency of Tecumseh.  We look forward to assisting you with your insurance and financial planning needs.