Gossip and marketing don’t seem to be two words that an average business person would put together. Six time Emmy winner, Shawne Duperon, dispelled that line of thinking with her thought provoking, fun and highly interactive presentation to LA2M on September 7th. Based on research, Ms. Duperon explained that only a small portion of gossip in malicious, the rest is free marketing.
According to Ms. Duperon, business people need to first understand the “message they are giving off” and how people are talking about them to improve and amplify that message. The more customers appreciate a business person they work with, the more they talk about them.
Business people need to have a good handle on their strengths and what sets them apart to create their own “celebrity status” and word of mouth. When communicating with customers it’s important to use high energy words that lend momentum to the gossip.
Business people need to have a good handle on their strengths and what sets them apart to create their own “celebrity status” and word of mouth. When communicating with customers it’s important to use high energy words that lend momentum to the gossip.
The better customers understand the value of the business person and that the business person values the customer, the better the relationship will be. Ms. Duperon explained this by saying that business relationships are a balance of love and fear. In her illustration love includes excitement, joy, passion, compassion and kindness. Fear is everything else.
She said, “Increase knowledge, lower fear”. She compared fear to walking through a fart at a shopping mall, “uncomfortable, but you get through it”.
She said, “Increase knowledge, lower fear”. She compared fear to walking through a fart at a shopping mall, “uncomfortable, but you get through it”.
The second part of the presentation was like quirky networking on steroids. At Ms. Duperon’s direction, LA2Mers in attendance circulated, presented their own bragging points and listened to others tell theirs. That was followed by the listeners then relaying the bragging points to others in glowing terms. The process involved moving around the room multiple times and engaging several people in the exchange of compliments.
The intent of the exercise was to help participants break down fear barriers and to understand the process of the “cycle of reciprocity” where as each person learned the positive points of the other participants, those were then communicated back and on to others.
The intent of the exercise was to help participants break down fear barriers and to understand the process of the “cycle of reciprocity” where as each person learned the positive points of the other participants, those were then communicated back and on to others.
The process was interspersed with Ms. Duperon directing participants to say to each other things like “I like your charisma”, “Give it to me baby” and “I like bossy women”. If this is hard to imagine, well you just had to be there. It was a first rate presentation that communicated a clear message on many levels. It was described by one LA2mer as a “MUST-ATTEND” and it certainly was.
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