Are you thinking about hiring an intern? The recent presentation by Paul Jaques answered many questions an average business owner might have about internships. Jaques (pronounced Jakes) is Internship Developer for Michigan State University’s Career Services Network. His role in that position is to work with businesses, both large and small, to discover and meet their internship needs.
Jaques explained that is available for businesses to post internships and potential interns to look for positions. Jaques recommended that businesses interested in hiring an intern contact him so he can guild them through the process and assist them with their internship opening description on the website. The website can be accessed from a computer or mobile device app. Jaques observed that each college at MSU has internship coordinators who work with students on finding the right internship. For businesses, this means that potential interns are available in all career paths offered through MSU.
Jaques described some of the basic requirements for internship positions. He said that internships can be paid, unpaid or for credit. He pointed out that internship positions are not meant to displace other workers and must include training and practical work related to the intern’s major. If an intern would like to receive credit for their internship, the student works with their advisor and the business provides some documentation of the student’s time at the business. Intern students can be international, but problems may arise if it is a paid position.
Jaques said that internships can transitional to a full time position for both post graduate and undergraduate students. He pointed out that students can accept internships in the summer and during the school year. Each college has their own guidelines for how many hours per week a student intern may work.
Jaques noted that internships are good for trying a career before committing to that path. He recommended that students have 3 internships in their field during their university career. Jaques remarked that business should expect to work with students on growing their professionalism and opening their eyes to career options.
Jaques encouraged business owners who are interested in more information to contact him at He can also be found at or @msuinterns.