Sunday, January 22, 2012

Goal! Make 2012 Your Best Year Yet

Terry Bean of Networked Inc. and Charlie Wollborg of Curve/Detroit joined forces for a great 2012 kick off presentation at LA2M on January 4, 2012.  They spoke about setting the right goals, stopping the excuses, achieving dreams and finding harmony.
Bean began by pointing out people make the same New Year’s resolutions every year 88% of the time they fail.  Failure is caused by excuses, inaction, choosing the wrong goal and not having a plan.  It’s not productive to wait for what we need to move ahead.  It’s better to move ahead get what we need.
Bean and Wollborg explained that you will know your passion in life when you want to pursue it every minute of every day.  You know you have found your true calling when you are happy doing it and people are willing to cut you a check.  If your revenue is less than your cost, you have a hobby, not a business. 
Bean and Wollborg recommended focusing on things like what you wanted to grow up to do when you were a child, what people think of when they think of you, what is your passion and your strength.  Let the answer come from within.  To have and accomplish your goal you need passion, perseverance and proficiency.
Wollborg emphasized the importance of appreciating what we have by making a gratitude list and reviewing daily to understand how successful we already are.  Then you can make your goals big.  Set goals worthy of boundless potential.  Wollborg recommended being specific, by creating a road map with measurable, actionable and achievable steps with a deadline.  He noted that sharing goals with someone who cares enough to keep you accountable is very valuable.
Bean suggested reviewing your progress daily and if need be recommit and begin again.  He said, “It’s not what happens to you it’s how you react.  Life is a series of moments.  As long as you have more good than bad, you can’t have a bad day.  Love the moment you live in.  Stay present to your present.”  Bean focused on the difference between harmony and balance.  He noted that balance is neither good nor bad, its right in the middle.  Harmony is just right.
Bean recommended setting goals in 10 important areas of life.  Those are: professional, personal, physical, spiritual, intellectual, emotional, relationships, recreation, community and financial.  He also suggested creating “vision boards” with words and pictures that represent what you want to accomplish.           
Wollborg pointed out some tools he uses to make his day more productive.  He noted that he thinks more clearly when he gets up and moves around.  He makes better use of his day when he gets the hard things done early which he referred to as “eating the frog”.  He also said that being an optimalist is better than being a perfectionist, because you get more done. 
In conclusion, Bean said, “You have to start no matter what your motivation.  Live on purpose.  Attract, act, achieve your best life now.”

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